5 best online part time jobs/ work that anyone can do from anywhere in the world. Any location whether it is india, USA, UK, China, France or from anywhere in the world.

    So, readers check these five best online jobs that you can do. Even students of high school, colleges or employees in the companies any can start doing these works for extra income.

    1. Youtube

    There are lakhs of people who are earning money by uploading videos on youtube. So, if you have any interest in any anything. Start making videos on it and upload on youtube.

    You can do it as a part-time job with your study or with your regular job. If you get good views you will earn money from the ad clicks.

    There are different ways to earn money from youtube. You can earn money by affiliate, brand promotion, product promotion, sell your own merchandise and many more ways to earn money.


    2. Instagram

    Do you know many famous celebrities charge millions of dollar for one post of company promotion. You do not need to be a celebrity for earning money but you need to increase your followers.

    When your followers reached a good amount say 100k followers or more. Then companies will contact you for product promotion and give you money for this.

    It's the first method of earning from Instagram there are more ways of earning from it. Some more ways to earn money - affiliate marketing, selling products, sponsored posts, etc.


    3. Selling Photos online

    Selling photos to companies is the best way to do as a part time work. You can also earn by selling photos on different online websites like shutterstock and many more.


    4. Content writing

    Content writing is a good way for making money and doing it as part time job. But you need to be good in english because the majority people are looking for English content writers.

    But nowadays things are changed. Google which is the number 1 search in the world brings different languages in the search engine. People are now looking for content writers in different languages too.

    So, there is a good scope in this job. But all content writers are not writing well, some writers copy and paste content from another websites or rewrite content. That's what companies are not looking for. If you want to earn and do it as a work then take it serious and give your best work.


    5. Doing Surveys

    It is the most easiest work. You just have to complete surveys, click on ads, search the web. That's it and you will earn money. This is good for a very small income, you can not make a good figures. so for making a good figures in dollar check the above methods that i have already written or you can also check these ways for earning even more, sitting at your home do spend 3-4 hours in a day and earn a good amount of money.

    You can check some good survey websites that i have written below.

  • best survey websites

    Survey junkie



    Survey Monkey